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PLANNING DOCUMENTATION - August 2018 Further Environmental Information

Please see below a link to the documents submitted as part of the Further Environmental Information - August 2018.

DBIES letter

RES Letter

Llanbrynmair and Carnedd Wen Bird Survey Report 2016-17

Llanbrynmair Notice

August 2013 Supplementary Environmental Information

The October 2013 SEI provides further information on bats.

The December 2013 SEI provides further information on grid connection options and possible routes; strategic transport routes; cumulative landscape and visual graphics; a landscape and visual impact assessmentl and a residential amenity section.

The February 2014 provides further information on the proposed local highway works and assessment of potential additional on-site access tracks.

To download the documentation, please click on the following links:

Non-Technical Summary

Volume 1 - Main text

Volume 2 - A

Volume 2 - B

Volume 2 - C

Volume 3

Carbon Calculator

Appendix 10.1 Transport (zip file)

October 2013 Supplementary Environmental Information

Vol I and II Bat SEI NTS and Main Text October 2013

Vol III Bat SEI Appendices October 2013

Vol IV Bat SEI Figures October 2013

December 2013 Supplementary Environmental Information

Volume 1 – Non-Technical Summary

Volume 2 - Main Text

Volume 2 – Appendices:

Volume 3 – Figures (Parts 1-3):
Note: Volume 3 has been split into a number of sections to reduce file size.

February 2014 Supplementary Environmental Information

Volume 1 – Non-Technical Summary

Volume 2 – Main Text, Supporting Appendices and Supporting Figures                 

Carbon Calculator