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Economic Benefits

The construction and operation of our wind farms have a positive effect on the economy. It is our policy to use local firms where skills and services match requirements during the construction phase and all staff and contractors who pass through or relocate for this period make use of local amenities, creating additional benefit to the hosting community.

Analysis carried out by independent consultant Innovas, on behalf of the Renewable Energy Association, has revealed the scale of the economic benefits associated with renewable energy developments like Llanbrynmair Wind Farm. Their report Renewable Energy: Made in Britain states that, during 2010/2011, renewable energy companies in Wales employed 4,700 people and generated a turnover of £0.57 billion.

RES estimates that the Llanbrynmair Wind Farm will deliver at least £8 million in local economic investment through the use of local companies and services.

We are keen that our wind farms become a good neighbour and a positive feature of the local environment, and at each of our sites we investigate further initiatives which could provide direct benefits to local people throughout the wind farm's life.

Environmental Benefits

At the local level, by hosting a wind farm, the local communities around the proposed Llanbrynmair Wind Farm will be making their own essential contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

RES also works hard during the design phase of all its wind farms to achieve direct, local environmental benefits.

In order to protect and enhance the local environment at Llanbrynmair Wind Farm, RES is developing proposals for various mitigation measures and improvements to the site that will create an overall net gain in conservation value.

We have worked closely with ornithologists and ecologists to produce a Habitat Management Plan which will be implemented with the cooperation of those who use the land. Proposed measures may include forestry felling to revert to heath habitat, restoration of habitats and watercourse and blanket bog restoration.

Where possible, existing tracks have been used for access routes and new grassland strips and vegetation habitats will be encouraged along all tracks, providing habitat for animals and insects. In addition the timing of any work carried out will be planned so as to keep disruption to a minimum. Overall the improvements will provide many beneficial consequences for wildlife on the Llanbrynmair Wind Farm site.

Social Benefits

RES works hard to involve local communities in all our planned wind projects. Our community consultation includes providing literature and newsletters, holding public exhibitions and talks to local organisations and schools.

Our operating wind projects attract interest from locals and visitors alike and are a useful educational resource, assisting in raising awareness of climate change and clean energy solutions among the local and wider community. As such, RES holds open days where possible at its wind farms and engages with schools and young people, organisations and professional groups to help raise awareness of sustainability issues and the role of wind energy in tackling climate change.

It may be that you have ideas to suggest, in which case, please don't hesitate to contact us.